Woot, I am so excited about the Nonprofit Commons Meeting today (Jan 13th) which will be held at the Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater. Today’s featured speaker is Brique Topaz, founder of Live and Learn in Kenya, Intl, a registered nonprofit in Germany and Kenya.
Brique will be talking about her work to improve the lives of poor children in Africa. As it was stated in the NPC meeting announcement, she has been using Second Life as a means of raising funds for meals for poor students in Kenya for several months now. I am pleased to report that the outcome has been an outstanding success.
SarVana Visiting LLK (Jan. 2011) |
Since January 2010, Live and Learn in Kenya NGO has been in Second Life as a member of TechSoup and the NPSL community. It operates from a virtual space where you can visit, learn about their work, browse photos and even chat if a LLK rep is in-world. There's more… A real life orphaned child in Kenya has already been sponsored through an encounter in Second Life.
I am looking forward to learning more about Live and Learn in Kenya (LLK) and its future plans. So, I hope that you will join us today (Jan 13th) at the Nonprofit Commons Aphitheater or any future NPC meetings. At th emeetings, the NPSL community manager, RikRiel (Rik Panganiban) provides news from the parent organization, TechSoup. In addition, you will always learn something new from the resourceful NPC Mentors and during the "open mic" announcements time. Wait, I can not mention Mentors without a shout out to Zinnia Zauber (current organizer), Buffy Beale, Brena Benoir, Ozma Malibu, MacZ Urbanowicz, Coughran Mayo, and all of the other mentors.
Nonprofit Commons Meeting
When: Today, January 13, 2012
Time: 8:30am PST (11:30 am EST)
Where: Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater
Today's Agenda (SLT/PST)
8:30 am Introductions
8:40 am TechSoup Announcements
8:45 am Mentors Corner
8:55 am Brique Topaz, Live and Learn in Kenya
(All meetings start at 11:30 am EST)
The weekly NPC meetings and LLK in Second Life are great examples of how virtual worlds are being used for information sharing, fundraising, promoting campaigns, and networking. Since I am committed to capacity building through virtual worlds, I will be assisting at upcoming "Real to Virtual;Virtual to Real" Workshops: Capacity Building through Virtual Worlds . Stay tuned... I will be back... now, I must teleport into Second Life for the NPC meeting!